Enable the console from the game's in-game options. Hit the tilde key [~] to drop the console. Type seta thereisacow "1337" and then press [Enter]. Now type spdevmap and then press [Enter]. An error msg will appear, ignore it. Klick END and resume a game or start a new game. Now in the game you open the console with the [^] - key again and you can type in the cheat codes here. give all Access all weapons cg_LaserForceOn 1 Add laser sights to all weapons jump_height # Adjust gravity default = 39 timescale # Adjust time default = 1.00 r_fullbright Easier to see things notarget Enemies ignore you give ammo Full ammo god God mode demigod God mode but screen still shakes noclip No clipping mode cg_drawGun Removes your gun cg_fov Zoom with any gun